9 Random Tips to Crafting an Inventive Culture

“For people to take risks they have to be willing to fail. Hackathons are failure incubators and failure accelerators. By normalizing failure, we encourage risk taking. Hackathons help teach your team that failure is a good thing, that it’s the flip side of innovation.” – Pedram Keyani, Hacking Company Culture

“There should be as many spaces as there are types of conversations going on at your office.” – Kelly Robinson, Get the Most Out of Your Space – Secrets from The Designer Behind Airbnb and SoundCloud


“No one culture is better than another but whilst companies may have characteristics that originate from multiple culture-types, they are likely to be routed in one. Other cultural elements may be encouraged as long as they serve the dominant culture.” – Neil Perkin (citing Michael Sahota), Agile is not a Process – It Defines a Culture

“This (a long project) isn’t the short burst of contact you get on a campaign. It’s a deep relationship that only gets more interesting and valuable over time, as the feedback you get starts to change your ideas about the project. Your projects start to become things that are owned jointly by you and your audience/users/customers, creating their own velocity and momentum.” – Matt Locke, What you know, what you do, and what you own.

“Agencies have their own operating systems, but they are different. Ours are invisible, instead of being attached to a user experience. And the further you get inside them, the more invisible they are … which makes them potentially lethal. The agency OS can be both the unseen engine of greatness and the silent killer of change.” – Sarah Watson, How the Agency of the Future Will Be Built Around People and Values

“You will build a body of work, but you will also build a body of affection, with the people you’ve helped who’ve helped you back…fall in love, with the work, with people you work with, with your dreams and their dreams.” – Robert Krulwich, How to Find Your Purpose and Do What You Love

“20. Create a portfolio of opportunities: short-term, long-term, incremental, and discontinuous. Just like an investment portfolio, balance is critical.

21. Involve as many people as you can in the development of your innovation initiative so you get upfront buy-in. This is the ‘go-slow now to go-fast later’ approach.

44. Realize that “resource allocation” is the last bastion of Soviet-style central planning. Think of new innovation opportunities as ‘resource attractors.”‘” – Idea Champions, 50 Ways to Foster a Culture of Innovation

9 Random Tips to Crafting an Inventive Culture

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